Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The 11 Best Things about China

So here they are:

1. Just the idea of being in a country so far and so different from my own.

2. Getting to teach people in their own culture and their own country. I haven't done this in a long time.

3. Watching people dance in the streets at night where they feel totally safe in a city twice the size of Seattle. We go out at night in Seattle but we are always aware that it is a risk. There is no such sense of danger here.

4. Seeing everyone be so helpful each other. People move from their seats on the bus for the elderly or for mothers with babies. And it's absolutely miserable to stand on those swaying, swerving things so it really is remarkable to give up your seat.

5. The near lack of road rage. Sure they drive like maniacs. But no one seems really up tight about it. It's just business as usual with no hard feelings.

6. How hard everyone tries to speak English. They may not be able to tell me what they need to but they always try (with the exception of the occasional taxi driver)
7. My students themselves. They are delightful young men (and three young women). I have really enjoyed getting to know them and find out the things they love: basketball, singing karaoke style and listening to me mangle Chinese words.

8. Beijing. I loved seeing this city. I will remember the history and architecture forever.

9. The other teachers here. I felt like a colleague from the first day I started. Even on the days when they chattered away in Chinese they somehow made me feel included.

10. The Chinese I've learned. It's not nearly enough but when I look back I've learned so much during my stay. After all, now I can ask the clerk at the store where the garbage bags are. I certainly couldn't have done that before.

11. The food. OK, it's bizarre at times but I've grown to love it. Some of the flavors are divine. Plus, I can eat and eat and eat and never feel that bloated feeling that comes at Thanksgiving. And by the feel of my pants, I've lost at least 5 pounds. While eating all the time. Amazing.

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