Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I know that I can never describe the experience of transportation here.

That won't stop me from trying.

Riding the bus is the easiest. I put my 2 yuan into the slot and then just hope to find a seat.

Mom and I went downtown today and there was no seat to be had. So we stood. And tried not to fall as the bus driver accelerated and swerved to miss the pedestrians that step out in front buses all the time. They must because there is no other way to get across a street. Meanwhile electric scooters dash in and out of traffic lanes and onto sidewalks. Sometimes they go in the right direction. Other times they head into oncoming lanes of cars and buses.

A mob of children rushed the bus where we were waiting to go back to the apartment today. They pounded on the side of the bus, crushing an old man to the side as the bus driver kept moving to get to his regular stop. No one looked surprised. They just all thought it was normal. Only Mom and I were holding our breath.

But I like the buses. The things that really scare me are the taxis. They zoom along at 50 miles an hour swerving and missing the other cars by inches. Maybe by centimeters.

I know. All taxi drivers are crazy, even in Seattle. The difference here is that people wander around in front of them and the other cars drive the same taxi cab way. And don't forget the bicycles with an occasional motorized cart full of a tower of garbage. At least with the buses, I'm up high enough. And there I don't mind so much that no one wears seat belts. Not even I do. I can't find them in those wild toad ride taxis.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sore muscles and downsizing

Mom and I hauled her luggage from Shanghai to Wuxi yesterday and my arms are really sore.

There were a couple big bags that I needed to carry down flights of stairs in the train station. It was the last two flights that really wore me out. The picture here isn't from the actual stairs but it gives you the feeling of what it was like and why my arms ache.

A kind man helped my mother and then two kind people helped us on the way back. Thank goodness for those people. May someone somewhere help them, too.

Still Mom and I are plotting to get rid of everything we can before we go back. We'll give away shampoo, books, clothing and whatever else we don't absolutely need or is not a gift for our beloved family members.

In the back of my mind I remember that....

I bought something heavy for both my son and my husband. I know it will mean more trouble but then I don't know what else I could have gotten them. The perfect gift to give isn't always the perfect gift to carry down train station stairs.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Chinese Hospitality and the Joy of Shopping

I have a computer here in my hotel (thanks to my mom) so I wanted to tell you all about my lovely weekend.
I rode the train for 1 and a half hours from Wuxi to Shanghai and somehow managed to find Helen, my friend and contact in Shanghai. There was a sea of people who didn't speak my language and it was frightening to try to figure out which exit I should go to. I was really relieved to see Helen waving at me down the end of a very long tunnel.
We then rode a bus for an hour to find mom at the airport looking tired but otherwise in good shape. After that it was back for another hour bus ride to our hotel.
After a good night's sleep for me and troubled sleep for my mom (jet lag), we had a breakfast with many western foods to choose from. This hotel, in fact, has so many westerners that I feel almost like I'm back in America. Shanghai is definitely more international compared to Wuxi where people stare at me and I rarely see a non-Chinese face.
The rest of the day was all about shopping. After a lunch of steamed buns hosted by the agent Madame Jia, we shopped and shopped and shopped. Three of our friends here took us to the Yu Gardens where there is a hundred year old temple converted into a marketplace.
Our hosts bartered mercilessly with the merchants and even carried our bags for us. I so enjoyed buying gifts for my family and friends back home. I budgeted to buy my Christmas presents early and, although I don't usually shop, I had an absolute blast.
We got jade, pearls and silks at unbelievable prices. I hope that what I buy will begin to repay my family for letting me go to this astounding place. I am especially grateful to my husband and son so I chose many things for them to make up for my absence these past few weeks.
Our guides were even better than the joy of shopping. They were an absolute delight. I can't think how to repay them unless they come to Tacoma. And then I intend to show them the very same hospitality.
I wish I could share pictures but can't upload them to this computer. Until later...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mom's coming!

This is just a quick post because I won't have time this weekend: My mom's coming!
She's in the air over the Pacific Ocean (on a plane of course) and will soon land in Japan.
I'll pick up my very tired mom at 8:00pm local time. I'm so looking forward to it.
My last two weeks will be so much better because she had the courage to take a leap and follow me here. Thanks, Mom:)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Importance of Literacy

Being in China has made me realize how very important reading is to my daily life.

My first day here I spent a long time waiting for my bus to leave for my apartment so I could go home after work. It was parked in the lot with some other buses that all looked the same. I could have waited on the bus but I had one problem: I couldn't read the signs on the buses to tell me which one was my bus.

My co-workers here had taught me to look for the people who rode my bus but none of those people had come yet. They were all in a big meeting. So I stood on the sidewalk for over half an hour until a kind lady told me which bus was mine. I decided right then to memorize the characters for my bus so I would never have to stand waiting again.

Everywhere I go there are many helpful signs that everyone around me can read. They tell people what food they can chose on menus, which city bus to take, and the names of the students in my college.

My sister-in-law went to Hungary a few weeks ago and also had headaches because she couldn't read. It's something we never fully appreciated until we were no longer able to do it.

So, my dear students friends and neighbors, if you can read this, count your blessings. Literacy is so very important to our daily lives!

Picture above: the sign I memorized to find my bus

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Busy Weekend

This last Saturday I saw a lot of amazing things.

In the morning I went to a pottery shop where they made beautiful figurines that had intricate details. My favorite was a statue of Kwan Yin, a lovely woman of compassion in the Chinese tradition. I bought something else for my husband but it will have to be a secret until I get home in case he's reading this!

Then I went to a Chinese wedding. It looked a lot like American weddings with one similar dress and similar decorations. At the same time it was also very different. The bride and groom came into the room 3 times in different clothes. The groom stood in the middle of the room asking the father for permission to marry the bride. And the guests all ate food at their tables, talking through most of the ceremony.

In the afternoon I went to Taifu, a large lake that's right next to the city. Here I rode a boat and learned the story of the four beauties. One of the beauties helped a king in ancient times conquer his enemy. She is very famous and they named this type of boat after her.

Next we sat in a tea shop for a long time drinking tea and relaxing with each other. Mr. Wang, one of the people I was with, said I was the first American he had met 'up close.' It was an interesting feeling to represent America for him. I certainly hope I didn't do anything that he would think was rude!

At the end of my Saturday, I went to a Thai restaurant. The food and decorations were lovely. Dancers came out with musicians. Because they were from the Phillipines, they spoke English and I could understand them when they taught me how to dance, too. Ok, I only learned a little but that wasn't because I couldn't understand them. My feet just wouldn't do what I wanted them to do:)

By then, I was worn out and went back to my apartment to rest. It was a very memorable day in China.
Photos: Bride, groom, Karrie at the wedding; My hosts and I at Taifu with the boats in the background; Mr. Wang and Karrie; Karrie, Helen, Rachel and Mr. Wang at the tea shop; Karrie and Helen at the Thai restaurant

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Second Week

I can't believe I'm already writing about my second week! It's all going by so fast.

This week I began to teach my classes and really get to know my students. I'm embarrassed that their names are all so difficult for me. And yes, Samantha, I have been terribly busy.

The president and vice president of Bates came from Tacoma for the opening ceremony of our program. We met with all the students, went to a spectacular ceremony with speeches, and had another wonderful dinner after that.

And every day was filled with new Chinese words for me. My favorite is the word for jogging: man pao. I love to jog and really like the sound of that word. Yesterday I picked up some books for little kids to help me write the Chinese characters. I think those books are written for preschoolers but they are just the right level for me:)

Many people have asked about my apartment. It has a bathroom, a kitchen area, bedroom and small office. It's very comfortable for one person and even has a balcony so I can hang my laundry. People don't use dryers here and I've found that it's really not too inconvenient.

I'll do better next week and post more often.

Finally, to my dear students and the Quest class: I made a spelling mistake in my comments to you for the last post. Can you find it? I can't seem to fix it!

Pictures above right to left: My office with a blurry me, the building where I teach and have an office, all 81 students lined up in ties to greet the president of Bates, my favorite Russian tea (without alcohol), 3 of the students receiving their Bates ID tags.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The First Week

A metal peacock outside my apartment, a tree made of flowers, the front of my apartment

The lobby of the hotel in Shanghai, the view of the industrial area outside my Shanghai hotel, the Narita airport in Tokyo

My first week here has been full of new things and experiences.

I traveled all day and night to get to Shanghai and (my dear Japanese students) the Japanese plane was much better than the American plane. It even had better movies.

I arrived in Shanghai Tuesday night (China time) and was VERY tired.

On Wednesday morning I took the train to the city of Wuxi.

Here's a link to a map and a little information: http://www.travelchinaguide.com/cityguides/jiangsu/wuxi/

There I my hosts gave me lunch and then let me get to my apartment. Again I was very tired.

Since then, I've slept a lot (12 hours Wednesday night) and met my students for this month.

I'm planning what to teach, calling my family and trying to get a look at the city.

It is a different feeling to be some place and not speak the local language. I have done this before but it's always good to remember how my students at home feel.

I am most impressed with how many kind people there are in the world. Today a waitress in the coffee shop was so very patient with me. I ordered Russian tea and didn't understand what she was trying to tell me. So she brought out the alcohol in a bottle to ask me if I wanted it in the tea. I was so glad she didn' t put it in the tea without asking! I really appreciated her.

How about you? When did someone help you when you really needed it? And how are you doing wherever you are?

Best Wishes from China-

Sunday, October 5, 2008


The hands of my family:)

It's really bittersweet this last weekend before I go. I'm still thrilled. My friends at church sent me off with their blessings and my family is wishing me well.

But, as my son Kieran says, five weeks is MORE than a month. It's the longest time I've ever been away from him.

So my husband, son and I have enjoyed each other's company as much as possible. Since Kieran wanted something to remember me by, we visited the local knickknack store. There we found the perfect thing: a mood ring.

I still have the free ring Kieran gave me this summer (he got it from the dentist), so I'll be wearing that across the ocean.

Tomorrow we'll all start our adventures. My family will do great things here without me and I will discover wonderful things on a different continent. We'll all come together again in November to share in what we've learned.

What was your greatest adventure or trip?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Packing Up

Today I'm really focused on packing. I keep thinking of something else that is SO IMPORTANT. Then I remember that I still have 3 days and relax a little.

What is the most important thing you bring with you when you travel?