Saturday, October 25, 2008

Chinese Hospitality and the Joy of Shopping

I have a computer here in my hotel (thanks to my mom) so I wanted to tell you all about my lovely weekend.
I rode the train for 1 and a half hours from Wuxi to Shanghai and somehow managed to find Helen, my friend and contact in Shanghai. There was a sea of people who didn't speak my language and it was frightening to try to figure out which exit I should go to. I was really relieved to see Helen waving at me down the end of a very long tunnel.
We then rode a bus for an hour to find mom at the airport looking tired but otherwise in good shape. After that it was back for another hour bus ride to our hotel.
After a good night's sleep for me and troubled sleep for my mom (jet lag), we had a breakfast with many western foods to choose from. This hotel, in fact, has so many westerners that I feel almost like I'm back in America. Shanghai is definitely more international compared to Wuxi where people stare at me and I rarely see a non-Chinese face.
The rest of the day was all about shopping. After a lunch of steamed buns hosted by the agent Madame Jia, we shopped and shopped and shopped. Three of our friends here took us to the Yu Gardens where there is a hundred year old temple converted into a marketplace.
Our hosts bartered mercilessly with the merchants and even carried our bags for us. I so enjoyed buying gifts for my family and friends back home. I budgeted to buy my Christmas presents early and, although I don't usually shop, I had an absolute blast.
We got jade, pearls and silks at unbelievable prices. I hope that what I buy will begin to repay my family for letting me go to this astounding place. I am especially grateful to my husband and son so I chose many things for them to make up for my absence these past few weeks.
Our guides were even better than the joy of shopping. They were an absolute delight. I can't think how to repay them unless they come to Tacoma. And then I intend to show them the very same hospitality.
I wish I could share pictures but can't upload them to this computer. Until later...

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