Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sore muscles and downsizing

Mom and I hauled her luggage from Shanghai to Wuxi yesterday and my arms are really sore.

There were a couple big bags that I needed to carry down flights of stairs in the train station. It was the last two flights that really wore me out. The picture here isn't from the actual stairs but it gives you the feeling of what it was like and why my arms ache.

A kind man helped my mother and then two kind people helped us on the way back. Thank goodness for those people. May someone somewhere help them, too.

Still Mom and I are plotting to get rid of everything we can before we go back. We'll give away shampoo, books, clothing and whatever else we don't absolutely need or is not a gift for our beloved family members.

In the back of my mind I remember that....

I bought something heavy for both my son and my husband. I know it will mean more trouble but then I don't know what else I could have gotten them. The perfect gift to give isn't always the perfect gift to carry down train station stairs.

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