Monday, October 20, 2008

A Busy Weekend

This last Saturday I saw a lot of amazing things.

In the morning I went to a pottery shop where they made beautiful figurines that had intricate details. My favorite was a statue of Kwan Yin, a lovely woman of compassion in the Chinese tradition. I bought something else for my husband but it will have to be a secret until I get home in case he's reading this!

Then I went to a Chinese wedding. It looked a lot like American weddings with one similar dress and similar decorations. At the same time it was also very different. The bride and groom came into the room 3 times in different clothes. The groom stood in the middle of the room asking the father for permission to marry the bride. And the guests all ate food at their tables, talking through most of the ceremony.

In the afternoon I went to Taifu, a large lake that's right next to the city. Here I rode a boat and learned the story of the four beauties. One of the beauties helped a king in ancient times conquer his enemy. She is very famous and they named this type of boat after her.

Next we sat in a tea shop for a long time drinking tea and relaxing with each other. Mr. Wang, one of the people I was with, said I was the first American he had met 'up close.' It was an interesting feeling to represent America for him. I certainly hope I didn't do anything that he would think was rude!

At the end of my Saturday, I went to a Thai restaurant. The food and decorations were lovely. Dancers came out with musicians. Because they were from the Phillipines, they spoke English and I could understand them when they taught me how to dance, too. Ok, I only learned a little but that wasn't because I couldn't understand them. My feet just wouldn't do what I wanted them to do:)

By then, I was worn out and went back to my apartment to rest. It was a very memorable day in China.
Photos: Bride, groom, Karrie at the wedding; My hosts and I at Taifu with the boats in the background; Mr. Wang and Karrie; Karrie, Helen, Rachel and Mr. Wang at the tea shop; Karrie and Helen at the Thai restaurant

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